Special services for homebound seniors.
Evening and Saturday appointments available.
Call for an appointment:
(708) 352-1741
Expertise for Every Element of Your Legal Health
Life brings each person and every family a unique set of circumstances. Maintaining a healthy legal foundation requires guidance tailored to these individual conditions. Jeanine's wide range of experience is at the core of her approach in advising the specific needs of each client. Personal legal matters require personal care.
Estate Planning
What is your legacy?
Elder Law
What type of planning do my elderly parents need?
Will your death be a real tragedy because you've failed to plan?
Special Needs Planning
Who will take care of my special needs child when I am deceased?
Death and Taxes
Will my estate have to pay taxes?
Small Family Business Planning
What do I need to do in order to open a successful business?
Asset Protection
Will my assets be protected from lawsuits and creditors?
Same Sex Planning
How can I protect the rights of my partner?
Legal Services
Just as a doctor's approach in administering to a patient's health is based on the individual, so too is our philosophy for managing you and your family's legal needs. We provide legal guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.